Youth Division

Welcome to the Rocky Mountain Quarter Horse Youth Association! As the Colorado affiliate to AQHYA, and a member of AQHYA's region 8, we are lucky to be in one of the most exciting regions for Quarter Horse action in the nation. Please visit the American Quarter Horse Youth Association website for more information about programs offered by AQHYA.

There are a lot of exciting projects going on this year, and we hope you are interested in getting involved, and finding out what opportunities exist in RMQHYA and AQHYA. Please check our other pages to find out more about what we do, and where we are going!

Be sure that if you are interested in finding out about world show qualifying or year end awards you take some time to visit our other pages, or contact one of our officers, directors or advisors who would love to answer any questions you may have and help you get involved with RMQHYA!

Have you always wanted to make a difference in the RMQHYA? Now is your chance to get involved, and help make 2023 a year to remember!

If you have information, news or photos that you would like to see on the youth portion of the RMQHA website, please let us know. We would like to include information such as national qualifiers, members who have earned superiors or ROM's, have finished a novice skill set, or earned other exciting accomplishments outside of the horse arena.